
The umbrella of non-monogamy includes many types of love and relationships, with polyamory being only one of them. Typically, when we talk about polyamory, we mean a form committed relationship, sexual and/or romantic, where those involved may have multiple partners. The word says it all: poly (many) + amor (love in Latin). Many loves, basically – or maybe not quite.

Even though some of us might have been in love with more than one person at the same time or even had simultaneous relationships these were not necessarily polyamorous experiences. A crucial facet of polyamory is that it takes place in a context of transparency and negotiation with everyone involved. Yes, your partner will be accepting, and potentially happy, that you have another boyfriend or girlfriend (or perhaps both!)

In a study from 2021 with a US representative sample of single adults 1 in 6 participants expressed desire to try polyamory at some point in their lives and around 11% stated to have previously been in these types of relationships. However, only about half stated they would do it again, mostly because they had difficulties navigating the emotional aspects of the relationship, including feelings of jealousy and possessiveness.

Polyamory can be challenging, but if it wasn’t as stigmatized and invalidated as a legitimate relationship option folks wouldn’t struggle as much.

Here at Quycky we celebrate love in every format, that’s why we have a section for COUPLES AND + where you can find all sorts of paraphernalia to have fun in partnership. Whether that’s one partner or more it’s up to you!